The Optimal Body Rx
Meet the Speakers

Dr. Kirk
Doc’s story begins at 17 years old when he joined the Navy SEALs right out of high school. He spent the next decade of his life with no choice but to live at the peak of physical and mental performance. For most people, serving in one of the world’s most elite special forces would be enough of an accomplishment, but not for Doc.
After serving with the SEALs, Doc entered medical school at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (USUHS) in Bethesda. Doc graduated in 2004, 1 year after the birth of his third child. He interned in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Balboa Naval Hospital San Diego in 2005 and subsequently completed a Navy residency in Hyperbarics and Diving Medicine in 2006.
After all those years of living on the edge, Doc realized that the most underused and underrated tool in his arsenal was a good night’s sleep.
From 2009 to 2013, Doc served as an Undersea Medical Officer at Naval Special Warfare Group One. While there, he led the development of and supervised the group’s first Sports Medicine Rehabilitation center. Doc saw firsthand the effect that low sleep and high stress had on the young SEALs who were under his care, men who he realized looked a whole lot like himself just a few years before. It was during this time that he began to develop the all-natural Sleep Remedy that is now the supplement of choice for Navy SEALs, pro athletes, C-level executives, and thousands of others. Henry, now Sleep Remedy’s CFO, was one of the first to experience the life altering impact of Sleep Remedy.
It was in California where Doc was looking to grow the Sleep Remedy team to continue the mission of changing lives through the power of sleep. Shay was one of those Doc interviewed. After initially bringing Shay on as an Executive Assistant, Doc quickly saw Shay’s drive, excitement, and appreciation through Doc’s work. Shay quickly excelled into her current role as COO.
While in this role, Doc and Shay have worked together on all future business plans. Included in these plans was something very important to Shay – Sleep Remedy for Kids’. After years of her trying to convince Doc to bring this to market, he gave her the green light. Shay made it her personal mission to see this product through start to finish
The Optimal Body Rx
© 2023 Rachel Scheer Nutrition